Make a Cross

Solve the Underside of the Cube

Now that you have made a cross we can start using our sigil system to solve the rest of the cube. In this step we will use Sigil No.1 to insert all the corners and finish solving the first face of the cube, just like in the picture above.
To use Sigil No.1 you must turn the whole cube upside down so that the cross is now on the bottom face under the cube.
Watch the following videos to see how I use Sigil No.1 to insert all the corners that are needed to solve the red face. In this first video I repeat the sigil three times to insert the corner in the red face. But depending on where the corner is in relation to the cross you may need to do the sigil Once, twice or three times to insert each corner into the correct place.

With the help of the three preceeding videos we have solved one surface of the cube. First, In step one we intuitively made a cross. Then, in step two we were introduced to sigils and used Sigil No.1 to insert all the corners, thus solving the first face.

In Summary

Make a cross on the top of the cube. The cross can be any colour. After you have made your cross turn the whole cube over so that the cross is on the underside of the cube.

With your cross on the underside of the cube locate a corner to be inserted into one of underside corners on the same face as the cross.

These are the six possible postions that you could find the corner in as you rotate the cube.
Actually there are only three positions because they are mirrored on the left and the right.

Case 1. left Side

If you find this case. You must perform Sigil No.1 Left Side one time to insert the corner into the bottom face.

Case 1. Right Side

If you find this case. You must perform Sigil No.1 Right Side one time to insert the corner into the bottom face.

Case 2. left Side

If you find this case. You must perform Sigil No.1 Left Side
two times to insert the corner into the bottom face.

Case 2. Right Side

If you find this case. You must perform Sigil No.1 Right Side
two times to insert the corner into the bottom face.

Case 3. left Side

If you find this case. You must perform Sigil No.1 Left Side
three times to insert the corner into the bottom face.

Case 3. Right Side

If you find this case. You must perform Sigil No.1 Right Side
three times to insert the corner into the bottom face.

Repeat the above steps as many times as are needed to fill in every corner and completely solve the underside of the cube.

Here is the placemat for Sigil No.1 left side. You can use this to insert the left side corners.

And the Sigil No.1 right side placemat to insert the right side corners.

Sigil 2, Solve the Middle Band

Sigil 3, Second Cross on the Top of the Cube

Sigil 4, Fill in the Corners of the Upper face

Sigil 5 Solve the Rest of the Cube